Cuphead: Mugman and Mugman are joined by Ms. Chalice in Cuphead’s Delicious Last Course for an adventure DLC on a new island. The game features new weapons, fresh charms and Ms. Chalice’s new skills to take on a brand new characters of multifaceted, screen-filling bosses to assist Chef Saltbaker during Cuphead’s most difficult mission.
The character that is new features the character Ms. Chalice, a new player-friendly character with changed movesets and new capabilities. After acquiring her. Chalice, you can take on the DLC and the main Cuphead adventure alongside the character!
Take a trip around a brand new Inkwell Isle and wallop the biggest and most outrageous bosses Cuphead has ever faced!
Explore new charms and weapons to aid you in overcoming the latest challenges, and set new records on old bosses!
Join Chef Saltbaker in his journey to an exciting adventure which will reveal the secret of Legendary Chalice!
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